If you had a surgical appointment today, here is what you can expect and what to do if you have discomfort.
The most important thing post surgery is to stop bleeding. No rinsing, no spitting, no drinking with a straw, no gargling for 24 hours post surgery.
Please refrain from eating or drinking anything too hot or spicy as it will irritate the surgical site.
Depending on your surgical procedure, you may experience significant post operative pain after your numbing has worn off.
An antibiotic is typically not necessary unless the doctor prescribes it for you after your visit. If you have no allergies to pain medications, you may take an ibuprofen and tylenol as needed to manage your pain. Please follow maximum daily dosage limits written on the medication labels.
You may experience some swelling immediately or after 2-3 days post surgical procedure. Use a cold compress as directed by your doctor to control the swelling.
Keep your follow up post surgical appointments so that our doctors can monitor how you are healing.
Click the button below for instructions specific to Periodontal Surgery and Implant Surgery.
Please call the office if you have additional questions and/or concerns.